Shay Menashe Levy

Tzag Elita

project description

2022 - 2024
UI-UX, Website development,
Linkedin posts & b2B Newsletters, creating Content, SEO, Graphic Design, Organizing professional conferences - marketing strategy, design and production
HPC & ai servers, Hardware, High-tech

Tzag Elita LTD

As an advanced hardware company that collaborates with leading businesses in the economy, Tazg Elita required a website that reflects its commitment to innovation. When developing the site, I meticulously planned its content and design to offer users an immersive experience. The website’s design was tailored to fit the company’s identity, including the icons, and even the server designs that were crafted from scratch.

With a focus on user experience, the site showcases Tazg Elita’s cutting-edge hardware solutions and expertise.

The site’s intuitive navigation and engaging content provide visitors with a comprehensive understanding of the company’s capabilities and offerings. As a result, the website effectively communicates Tazg Elita’s unique value proposition to potential clients and partners.

Behind the Scenes

Marketing Strategy: To reposition the company as a beacon of innovation, captivating both existing and prospective customers across online and offline platforms, and seamlessly penetrating the global market.

Way of Action: We initiated by developing a cutting-edge website, which I personally built. This was complemented by streamlined automation for efficient service delivery. Additionally, we curated top-tier content for social media and distributed a high-value newsletter regularly. Engaging in professional conferences as sponsors and participants, we also hosted tailored webinars. This comprehensive approach aimed to elevate the brand’s innovative image and cultivate lasting client relationships globally.



Improved Google ranking from position 30 to position 5, 300% increase in visitor traffic, and boosted website dwell time from 30 seconds to 10 minutes.
UI - UX, new design website
Achieved a 173% increase in inbound contacts.
Strengthening international partnerships tripled MDF's budget.
The number of conferences has quadrupled compared to last year, enhancing our brand presence within the local industry and resulting in the generation of hundreds of leads.
Implemented automation: reducing human labor hours by 255% and enabling seamless customer communication.

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CONTENT & Design
CONTENT & Design
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