Shay Menashe Levy

Asia Travel

project description

Marketing strategy, branding, content creation, campaigns, online graphic design

Asia Travel

Company Description: Asia Travel specializes in geographical trips, roots trips, trips for tradition keepers, Passover vacation packages and Sukkot packages in unique hotels worldwide.

Marketing Goals: Increase the ROI by 15% in the first year – so we needed to reach religious people.

Marketing Strategy: Created a content blog on Facebook, and made the ads’ content informative and give added value to the reader, than a simple ad that posts a service.

Way of Action: Each week, we published two static posts that dealt with different topics; we also used sponsored promotion on Facebook. The content was light and entertaining, with valuable information and images that would attract the attention of the audience we were targeted on. To target the right audience – people that keep Kosher and want to go on vacation I used a lookalike audience, personalized retargeting & behavioral retargeting.

Behind The Scenes​ look

Social media ads
Social media ads
Social media ads
Social media ads
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